Monday, July 27, 2009

Guess What!

Does anyone else have the tendency always to put a question mark after this phrase? I always have to remind myself that it isn't really a question but a command. But a period doesn't feel like appropriate punctuation either so I end up putting an exclamation mark.

Guess what I did on Saturday...
Climbed Mt Si for the second time this summer. It is always a great workout with an incredible view. Incidentally, I also learned quite a bit about computer science as I was hiking with 5 guys who all intern at either Microsoft or Amazon.

Guess who came to visit...

The Lindquists!! It has been more than a year since I have seen them so I was so happy to get a chance to catch up with them. They were just finishing a week of boating with their daughter and her friend.

Guess who's getting married...
My roommate, Stacey. Yea!!

Guess what I'm watching...
Harry Potter. As some of my friends were getting excited about seeing the new movie, I realized that I hadn't watched most of the earlier movies. In order to conform with popular culture, I am now making my way though the first five movies. I can't believe how long they all are! I am currently in the middle of number 3.

Guess what last night was....

My last night of working before my schedule switches. I've always dreaded going into work on Sunday nights, missing firesides and dinner with friends. After a year, I got my schedule changed so I don't have to work on Sunday anymore.


Lindsay Jane said...

Congrats and the work schedule! So many fun things. I love it.

Peter said...

The real question is, are you ready for that quiz?

jennybhill said...

(The beginning of this post reminded me that you recently introduced me to the interrobang.)

Sounds -- and looks -- like you're having a great time! Are you still working the night shift with your new schedule?

Emily said...

Guess what you just bought? A MacBook!

Michelle said...

Wow, I don't I've ever realized that it was a command and not a question. Kristen, you have opened my eyes to a whole new world. Guess what! You're awesome.

Nana said...

Wow, fun to read about all your guess whats. 5 guys...good protection against wild animals. Glad to hear of your better schedule.