Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby it's cold out there!

Seattle got hit with a lovely little blizzard this week. Snow goes a long way to making things really look like Christmas.

This picture is taken from the 11th floor of the hospital, where I work. It didn't turn out quite as well as I liked but it was just so beautiful with the snow falling in the still of the night. Also, work related- we are in a Code Delta, meaning that during any kind of natural or other disaster, nurses are legally required to stay at the hospital until our replacements can make it in. Yesterday morning after working all night, one of the nurses was having a hard time driving in so I ended up staying an extra 3 hours until she got there. That will be some nice overtime pay. Fortunately church was cancelled yesterday so that I was able to stay. Good thing- I would have looked mighty silly playing the organ in my scrubs.

Today, Camille and I braved the icy road to go sledding. By the way, my car Sheila is doing so great in the snow. Aside from a few minor sliding episodes, I really haven't had any trouble getting around. Camillie had some intertubes that we inflated and enjoyed a morning of sledding.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Recent Life

If you looked at this post earlier, it just had the pictures on it. I had written out a narrative but somehow only the pictures got published. I will now retype what I had written before.

Since I haven't blogged in a few weeks, I thought I would give you the update on what I've been doing. This is basically 5 posts rolled into one. Enjoy!

*Happy Birthday!
Yes siree, I turned the big 25 last week. I had to work that night but we celebrated a little at the hospital. Then that weekend I went to PF Changs (yummy!) and to the Nutcracker with some friends. We had a great time. Downtown Seattle is so beautiful around Christmas time.

*Rear Window
Remember that old Alfred Hitchcock movie? Well, like Jimmy Stewart I was having some trouble with my rear window except it was in my car and the problem was not that I saw someone being murdered through it but that I couldn't open it. Sheila spent the night at the dealership (while I drove a 2009 outback loaner) and came back as good as new. This makes it much easier to move the harp as well as my meals on wheels deliveries (as seen below).

*Space Needle Santa
Normally I don't sit on Santa's lap or pay $15 for a picture of me sititng on his lap. Lucky for me, I have this great friend Stacey who works as a photographer at the space needle and took me and my roommate Camille there as her guests. She also gave us this photo to commerate the event.

*Gingerbread fun
Last night for FHE we decorated gingerbread houses. When I found out they were just planning on using graham crackers, I couldn't help but volunteer to make some real gingerbread. We had a great time. Here is Camille and I with our friend and fellow gingerbread decorator Carole.

*Dancing Queen
I recently clogged with my group (The Emerald City Cloggers) at the Great Figgy Pudding Street Corner Caroling Contest. We didn't win any prizes but I still had such great time. If you are interested in seeing more, here are the youtube links of our our performances:
Here Comes Santa Claus:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mystery Caller

Someone has been calling me recently and I kept missing their call. This caller has been very persistent, calling at least twice a day, everyday for the past week. It would always be while I was at clogging, or driving or sleeping and I couldn't answer. Everytime I would see this number under missed calls, my curiousity would increase. Today, I kept my phone at my side the whole morning, waiting in anticipation. When they finally called, I was so excited to answer and.....

I'm going to donate blood on Friday. The End.