Sunday, August 31, 2008

Organ Donor

Since starting my job, I have spent a lot of time with patients who have had organ transplants and I am of course designated as an organ donor on my drivers license. But now I have a whole different type of organ to appreciate:

That's right friends- today I was set apart as the ward organist. Apart from a few informal lessons, I have no prior experience. I got a few hints from my mom and sister ( who are vetran organists but I still have a lot to learn.


Emily said...

your eyebrows look good

Elizabeth O. said...

You'll be great at it Kristen. Good luck!!! P.S. How do you like living in Seattle?

Carma said...

I am sure you will be great. Just remember nobody notices your mistakes like you do. Not that you will make any mistakes!!! :)

jennybhill said...

You are a uniquely qualified woman! If you ever want to leave the hospital, here's a link:

"Job search for Organ Specialist jobs at MySpace Jobs. Take a look at our extensive number of Organ Specialist job listings!"