Wednesday, October 8, 2008

While You Weren't Sleeping

Chances are while you weren't sleeping, I was now that I have become a person of the night. Unfortunately, my body has resisted my circadian switch a little more than I had expected. So in the hopes of a better night (day) sleep, tonight I bought a foam memory mattress pad. I mulled over the decision in Walmart for about a half an hour, trying to decide between the generic pad and the more expensive one.

I eventually bought the higher quality one. I love that it does this:

This obviously isn't my hand but you get the idea. I am very excited to go to sleep. End of post.


Anonymous said...

Kristen, you are so adorable. I just discovered your blog thanks to Emily. Yay for the higher quality mattress pad!

Emily said...

Sounds comfortable!

kevin711 said...

Wow! I want to see a picture after have slept in it.

I hope you are no longer sleepless in Seattle!

Mom said...

That looks so comfy! Sweet dreams. I'm glad you went for the higher quality. You're worth it!

jennybhill said...

I hope it helps, it is no fun to be wide awake when you know it's your only chance to sleep.

My secret for better sleep recently is just lots of pillows!

Leslie said...

Hi Kristen ~ I just found your link on Kelly's site - and just have to tell you that I love my memory foam bed and can't stand to sleep elsewhere ~ you made a great choice! Cute blog!

Kim Whitefield said...

We have a Tempur-pedic and I've never regretted it. I love that the mattress takes your shape but supports you. I can't say enough about memory-foam, except that I might like the gel-mattresses a little more. I have a bad back & neck so I'm big on mattresses.