Saturday, May 8, 2010

The thought in my head...

You know how sometimes you think that you have your life figured out because you think you know exactly what you want and so you start making plans and you get really excited about it and then you start telling other people about your plans and they start getting really exctied for you and you feel great about it but then you unexpectedly get into that really competitive graduate program, the one you wanted to get into but thought was off the table and the one that could help you get a job that you would love but the program won't let you defer even for a semester and so now you have to choose between two awesome things and you are having a hard time finding a way to have your cake and eat it too?

You know?


Emily said...


Crolace said...


It's a tough choice, but a nice dilemma to have :)

jennybhill said...

Wow. I didn't know it was still a possibility! Ditto to Emily!

Mom said...

The only predictable thing about life is that it's unpredictable. Many people don't have any exciting options, and look at all the great ones you have!! I'm sure you'll figure it out, cuz you've got a really good head, you know? (By the way, congrats!!! on being accepted!)

Opa said...

You might have better volunteer experiences with grad school behind you, but then you might appreciate grad school more having done the volunteer experiences. Not much help, am I?

Michelle said...

Congratulations and good luck making your choice!

Lincolnlogger said...

"Do what you think is best."

Congratulations, and best of luck on your choice.

Becca Joy said...

What amazing choices! I'm so glad that you get to choose between two very cool things.